Nmore Operations
A structured experience

It is the intent of the Board of Directors to maintain an ISO 9001 Manual intended to provide guidance into, and understanding of, the company and its service’s role, function and objectives.
Sustainable models of management require preventive action, to eliminate nonconformities, analyzing any nonconformities that do occur, and taking action to prevent recurrence in the future.
Among other policies, employees are expected to be: accountable for personal projects, resourceful with company assets and ensure that quality objectives are established and continually improved.
Since inception, the company continues to sustain itself without the need for private investment or institutional debt, keeping to a lean startup model of management that helps minimize overheads.
As far as data privacy is concerned, the current environment creates the need to respond fast. Nmore ensures the translation of customer security requirements into detailed outputs.
Nmore incorporates a process approach, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, this ensures that processes are adequately resourced and managed, and that opportunities for improvement are determined.
Operations Agenda
Operation and project management plays an important role in any organization as it helps sustain consistent standards. It ensures increased productivity and performance through standardized work practices, streamlined processes and improved communication and coordination. This allows the business to better retain long-term corporate clients.
Nmore's executive management determines annual priorities based on market developments and emerging governance themes in order to better predict future threats and opportunities. This means making continual improvements to operation policies, processes and procedures - documents which outline the purpose, intent and direction of the company.
Nmore's operations practices connect clients' to remote IT services and solutions all around the world. With smaller teams, some of the latest technology and constant communication, the team is able to drive innovation and create better experiences for customers. This enable people to make faster and smarter decisions.
With an international team of more than 100 people, the company is able to transform its clients business and develop intelligent solutions that deliver tangible outcomes. The company strives to empower customers to improve their own IT operations, thereby unlocking a whole other interaction with data.
Compliance operations refer to an operating model and a methodology that recognizes that managing information security compliance and security assurance programs consistently and on a day-to-day basis is a critical component of IT risk management. This methodology ensures that client data is stored and managed safely and securely.
As per internal compliance, Nmore adheres to policies, standards, specifications and laws from time to time in place in Cyprus and within the European Union. As for clients, the company helps them define their goals and objectives pursuant to regulatory compliance, and ensures that they understand and take necessary steps to comply with policies and relevant regulations.
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization's capital and earnings. These risks stem from a variety of sources, including financial uncertainties, legal liabilities, technology issues, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters. By identifying these risks the company is better suited to mitigate them.
Nmore effectively manages four kinds of risk (strategic, regulatory, financial and operational) by: identifying it, analyzing it, prioritizing it, treating it and monitoring it. The company considers the 10 P's when assessing and mitigating risk: planning, product, process, premises, procurement people, procedures, prevention, policy and performance.
Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software. As per most IT related processes, this involves: planning, analysis, design, implementation and coding, testing, deployment, management and maintenance.
At the most basic level, Nmore employs five stages during the development lifecycle - research, ideation, design, development and iteration. These five elements parallel the most basic questions of who, what, when, where and how that are needed when mapping the vision of the product or subscription based service.